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  • 12 Jan 2021 1:57 PM | Anonymous member

    Join the First Amendment Museum online on Thursday, January 14th, 2021 at 7 pm EST as we speak to Micheal Meyerson for his presentation “From the Constitution to COVID: Religious Freedom in America.”

    Meyerson is a Professor of Law and the Piper & Marbury Faculty Fellow at the University of Baltimore, specializing in constitutional law and American legal history. As the author of Endowed by Our Creator: The Birth of Religious Freedom in America (Yale University Press, 2012), Meyerson has also written three other books and published numerous articles on constitutional law, contracts law, and the First Amendment, some of which have appeared in the Stanford Journal of International Law, Indiana Law Review, Nebraska Law Review, Notre Dame Law Review, Miami Law Review, and Harvard Journal of Law & Technology. He is a member of the New York Bar.

    Be sure to tune into this presentation with Meyerson, a gifted storyteller and animated speaker, who will explore the themes and history of religious freedom in the United States, from the founding fathers to present-day issues surrounding COVID.

    Our lecture will be hosted both via Facebook Live and Zoom. Participants are encouraged to take part in a Q&A session with Meyerson at the conclusion of his presentation.

    The First Amendment Museum's mission is to inspire Americans to live and love their five freedoms - freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom to assemble, and freedom to petition. Learn more about us on our website!

    For more information including the Zoom link for this free, online event, check out our event listing here or visit our Facebook at

    Please call the Museum with any questions about the presentation at 207-557-2290

  • 07 Jan 2021 9:30 AM | Anonymous member

    For over a decade, staff members at Bowdoin College’s Peary MacMillan Arctic Museum and Arctic Studies Center have studied original journals, artifacts, and photographs related to Robert Peary’s efforts to be the first person to reach the North Pole. They have visited museums and archives, traveled to sites in Maine and the Canadian Maritimes with connections to the expeditions, and contacted descendants of expedition members. In addition, Arctic archaeologists Genevieve LeMoine and Susan A. Kaplan traveled to the edge of the Polar Sea to investigate one of Peary’s camps. In this illustrated lecture, Kaplan will discuss new insights they have reached about how Peary worked and the interpersonal dynamics on his last two expeditions. Also, she will explain ways in which the Arctic of today differs from the Arctic of Peary’s time.

    KHS speaker Kaplan, an Arctic anthropologist and archaeologist, is a professor of anthropology and director of the museum at Bowdoin. She has studied some of the ways Inuit have responded to environmental change and contact with the West, as well as the history of Arctic exploration.

    To view this presentation, head to the KHS Facebook page at 6:30 p.m. January 20, and the video will air live. Due to copyright concerns, the January presentation will not be available for future viewing. If you have a question, please submit it in the comments during the live video presentation. Here is the link to the KHS Facebook page:

    If you have any questions about the program, please call Scott Wood, executive director, at 622-7718

  • 23 Nov 2020 2:18 PM | Anonymous member

    The Tate House Museum and the National Society of Colonial Dames in the State of Maine invite you to celebrate the 400 th anniversary of the Mayflower's arrival at Plymouth on December 18, 1620 with speaker Captain Whit Perry, Director of Maritime Preservation and Operations at Plimoth Patuxet (PP), formerly Plimoth Plantation. Captain Perry recently oversaw a three-year restoration project of MAYFLOWER II, the Mayflower replica that received over 25 million visitors from the time of its docking at PP in 1957 and 2016. Perry also commanded the restored vessel from Mystic Seaport Museum in Connecticut (site of the restoration work) on her voyage home to Plymouth last year. He will show brand new video and documentary photographs taken by the restoration crew while describing the challenges of historic restoration, sharing the exhilaration of sailing MayflowerII, and highlighting the role of the Mayflower in America’s colonial history.

    Speaker: Captain Whit Perry, Director of Maritime Preservation and Operations, Plimoth Patuxet

    Format: Zoom

    Date: Wed December 9, 2020 at 6:00 PM (program will last ~75 minutes with Q &A)Admission: $10.00 members of Tate House Museum, $15.00 general public If you are interested in becoming a member please check our website, email, or call 774-6177.

    Register: To register, please email and leave your phone number. A Tate House Museum representative will call to take your credit card information for payment.

    Registrants will receive a Zoom link by email the day before the event, Dec 8th

  • 14 Oct 2020 1:01 PM | Anonymous member

    Come hear voices buried for centuries, forgotten by history, stories of ordinary people coming to light for one historic night in October

    Come to the Stroudwater Burial Ground

    (1300 Westbrook Street) on Saturday October 24 at dusk 5:00 PM (rain date Oct 25)  Bring your own chairs and/or blanket for seating

    Groups will be socially-distanced and program limited to 50 people/pods     Masks Required

    $10 /person

    $5 /children under 12

      $20 family

    Prepayment ONLY and registration required. NO WALK-ONS

    Email with reservation request and leave phone number.

    Please park on the street near the Tate House (1270 Westbrook St or on Waldo St) and cross Congress St to cemetery. No parking at cemetery, but chairs can be dropped off there if necessary

  • 08 Sep 2020 10:06 AM | Anonymous member

     Tate House Presents…Behind the Best Rooms:Exploring the Lives of  Domestic Servants in 18th Century New England

    As one of Stroudwater’s most prosperous 18th-century households, the Tate family relied on domestic servants for their comfort and to assert social status. This lecture combines evidence garnered from family history and the building’s architecture with records of other elite families within the Tates’ social circle and throughout wider New England to build a picture of service in a prosperous 18 th century Maine home.

    Tate family legend has given us a single, tantalizing mention of an enslaved Black servant named Bette. The role of servants and circumstances that contributed to a life of servitude will be discussed including the underappreciated, yet significant contribution of Black servants to America’s domestic service history. This talk will explore specific spaces within and around Tate House used by servants, creating a richer picture of individual household dynamics in one of Maine’s most iconic historic homes.

    An Outdoor Illustrated Lecture by Aimee Keithan, the beautiful backyard of the 1755 Tate House overlooking the Stroudwater River and our Historic Garden

    7:00 PM Saturday Sept 19  (rain date Sept 20)

    Check-in beginning at 6:30 PM in the front yard of Tate House

    1270 Westbrook Street, Portland

    $15/person  $25/couple

    Social Distancing and Face Coverings Required

    All seating is reserved and limited to 50 people

    Registration and Pre-payment ONLY or 207-774-6177

    Open until Tickets are Sold Out

    If you are not currently a Tate House Museum member,

     join today and enjoy FREE entry to this not-to-be-missed event!

  • 29 Jul 2020 4:31 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On Friday, September 25, 2020, the McGillicuddy Humanities Center will offer a FREE virtual workshop on applying for NEH grants. It will be conducted by Mark Silver, Senior Program Officer in the Division of Research Programs at the National Endowment for the Humanities. The workshop is open to the public. Anyone interested in learning about NEH funding opportunities and application strategies is invited to attend, although space is limited and priority will be given to those in the Mid-Coast, Downeast and Highlands regions of Maine. The workshop will run from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Although the event is free, you must register in advance. Information and registration:

  • 29 Jul 2020 4:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The McGillicuddy Humanities Center will be continuing their DH Pop In series throughout the year to show the potential and accessibility of the digital humanities, including digital mapping, interactive timelines, text analysis and more. The next DH Pop In will be Monday, August 3, at 1PM. MHC Humanities Specialist and DH creator Karen Sieber will show virtual attendees how to build quick, easy, free interactive timelines using the tool TimelineJS. No skill is necessary. We swear. Learning this easy-to-use tool will allow your institution to build virtual timelines showcasing material in a collection, or highlighting moment's in a place's history in a dynamic and interactive way. Email to get the link to register for the DH Pop In.

  • 18 May 2020 5:46 PM | Anonymous

    Rangeley Lakes Historical Society Calendar & Events

    Proudly Offering the Outdoor Heritage Museum & Rangeley  History Museum

    (All Events are Subject to Change due to the National Emergency)

    Admission for Outdoor Heritage Museum at the corner of Routes 4 & 17 in Oquossoc is as follows:

    Adults $5.00 Children 12 and under, active duty military and veterans are Free

    No admission at Rangeley History Museum, located on main St. in Downtown Rangeley

    Event Info as Follows

    Thursday, May 28th

    Historical Society Bean Supper at Bald Mountain Camps

    5:30 AM to 7:30 PM

    Bald Mountain Camps, Bald Mt Rd. Oquossoc

    The Rangeley Lakes Historical Society will host a bean supper at Bald Mountain Camps on the annual event at BMC will begin with a cocktail hour at 5:30 pm.  The evening will also feature live music by the Sandy River Ramblers a popular five-piece ensemble playing their original songs as well as some old favorites. There will also be a silent auction, door prizes, and a cash bar. Those planning to attend are encouraged to bring a favorite dessert to share for the always popular “Potluck Dessert”. A hearty meal of baked beans, hot dogs, biscuits, and coleslaw will be offered and a $7.00 donation per person in support is appreciated. The meal will be complimentary for seniors 65 and older. Those wishing to attend this fun community event are encouraged to RSVP by calling 864-3091, by 4 pm May 20th as seating is limited.

    Friday, May 22, 2020

    Outdoor Heritage Museum Opens for 2020 Season


    (Weds. -Sun. in May, June, Sept. & Oct. and 7 days a week in July & August)

    Corner of Rtes. 4 & 17, Oquossoc

    Rangeley’s rich outdoor history, traditions and personalities come alive in this museum located in the charming village of Oquossoc. The museum, named "Best Sporting Museum in New England" by Yankee Magazine (May 2014), is a “can’t be missed destination for visitors of Western Maine. The enchanting stories of icons like Carrie Stevens, Herb Welch, Fly Rod Crosby, Ed Grant, the Famous Rangeley Boat and so much more beckon. The art, adventures, lure and lore of the great outdoors is captured here!

    The museum gift shop features books, apparel, art, glassware and a wide variety of gifts.

    Friday, June 5th

    New Exhibit Opens at OHM - Vintage Maps of Maine, A Bicentennial Celebration”.

    10:00 AM – 4pm (Weds-Sun. in May, June, Sept. & Oct. and 7 days a week in July & August)

    Outdoor Heritage Museum, Corner of Rtes. 4 & 17, Oquossoc

    This exhibit will share an impressive collection of maps featuring Rangeley, Franklin & Oxford Counties and the State. The premiere artifact for this exhibit will be the rare map printed on linen cloth by Moses Greenleaf Esq. titled "Map of the District of Maine: From the Latest and Best Authorities (1822)". the twenty plus maps range from a 1798 Map of Maine to the first auto maps of the region from 1905. All in celebration of Maine's 200th Birthday. This Exhibit continues through October 12, 2020

    Sat., June 13, 2020

    Fly Tier Nate Wight at Outdoor Heritage Museum

    11:00 AM to 2:00 PM

    Corner of Rtes. 4 & 17, Oquossoc

    Nate Wight founded North Woods Fly Co. in 2015. He is well known for his innate ability to tie high-quality, innovative flies. Come to OHM and learn some techniques and learn from this excellent tier, guide and angler!

    June 20, 2020 10-4pm

    Master Fly Tier Selene Dumaine @ Outdoor Heritage Museum

    Corner of Rtes. 4 & 17, Oquossoc

    Celebrated Fly-tier Selene Dumaine will be displaying her skills in a live fly-tying demonstration during the Lupine Festival. Dumaine is a widely recognized and accomplished tier known for her mastery of Carrie Stevens' techniques and patterns. She ties without a vise just as Carrie did. She has compiled an impressive collection of her unique original patterns, including "Don's Legacy" in honor of OSHM's Founder, Don Palmer.  Her presentation-quality streamers and flies will be available for purchase at the museum and she is always happy to help others with their technique and skill development.  Call (207) 864-3091 for more information

    Friday, June 26, 2020

    Rangeley History Museum Opens

    2472 Main Street, Rangeley

    11:00am-4:00pm (Tues.-Sunday (opens at Noon on Sunday) until August 30

    Sat. & Sunday only in Sept.

    This beautiful little museum located in the center of town is housed in the old Rangeley Trust Co. and operated by the Rangeley Lakes Historical Society. The building is on the National Register of Historic Places and once served as the Town Office and Jail. The Jail cell is now an exhibit in the basement. The museum features town history including agricultural, railroad, steamship, business and family history to name just a few of many subjects. In 2020 we will open new exhibits highlighting the Narrow-Gauge Railroad and Rangeley's 1st Airmail Service in 1938. Vintage film, photos, 3D stereograph images, documents and antique artifacts all share the charming & colorful stories of old Rangeley and the surrounding townships. Admission is Free and Donations are Welcome

    June 27, 2020

    Fly Tier Peter Simonson at Outdoor Heritage Museum

    11:00 AM to 2:00 PM

    Corner of Rtes. 4 & 17, Oquossoc

    Peter Simonson has been fly tying for about 13 years, initially just creating flies needed for fishing. He enjoys tying Rangeley style streamers. He became interested in tying these flies in about 2006. Peter has tied at the International Fly-Tying Symposium and many of the Largest Fly Fishing Shows up and down the East Coast. Peter has studied streamer tying under Jack Pangburn and Mike Martinek and is a master in his craft. Come learn tips from one of the best and purchase some of his beautiful flies for framing or fishing. Call (207) 864-3091 for more information

    July 9 at 6:30 pm

    Historical Society Annual Meeting and Film Presentation of “Maine at 200”

    at Lakeside Theatre in downtown Rangeley.

    Join the Board of Directors of RLHS for a brief meeting to elect officers and share the status and plans of your Historical Society. Come enjoy cake and ice cream in celebration of Maine’s 200th Birthday! Intermission will be followed by a film presentation of “Maine at 200”, a documentary of the history of Maine since its founding in 1820 will be shown in celebration of our State’s Bicentennial. This unique film shares the state’s story in a comprehensive decade-by-decade timeline. Admission in support of the Historical Society is just $5.00 per person. Concessions will be provided by the RFA. 

    June 11, 2020

    Expert Fly Tier Jim Dionne at Outdoor Heritage Museum

    11:00 AM to 2:00 PM

    Corner of Rtes. 4 & 17, Oquossoc

    Come learn to tie Flies and explore proven techniques to tie better flies that catch fish with Expert Tier, Jim Dionne. Jim will share his expertise and will have some of his great flies available for purchase. Call (207) 864-3091 for more information

    July 11, 2020 

    International Fly-Fishing Film Festival 

    Lakeside Theater, Rangeley

    Film Starts at 7:00pm, Doors open 6:30pm for Silent Auction, Raffle and Cocktails

    All new films for 2020! You don't have to be an angler to enjoy this collection of short films and breathtaking cinematography. This event will also feature a raffle and silent auction offering art, gear, trips and more. Adult refreshments and theatre munchies will be available at the concession stand in support of Rangeley Friends of the Arts. Come support two great non-profits!

    This fun event supports the efforts and programs of the Outdoor Heritage Museum.  Tickets $12.00 in advance ($15.00 at the door if not already sold out) available at the Outdoor Heritage Museum in Oquossoc, at Rangeley History Museum in Downtown Rangeley OR Online now at:

    July 17, 2020 7PM

    19thCentury Rangeley in 3D

    Lakeside Theatre in Rangeley

    This is an all new presentation for 2020 …of the very popular program the Historical Society has presented for the last 3 years.

    This unique show premiered on features an entirely new collection of stereoviews not shared in 2019 nearly sold-out event. This new collection of 19thCentury “Stereoview” images has been converted by the Historical Society to now share on the big screen by using modern 3D glasses. The fun evening will also feature a collection of rare regional short films as well.  The Stereoviews, Vintage Photos and Films will be accompanied by Live Music by the Sandy River Ramblers and narration by Executive Director, Bill Pierce.  Please join us and step back in time to view the Rangeley region as it was 130 years ago! There will be a cash bar and the popcorn will be poppin’ in support of the Rangeley Friends of the Arts.

    Tickets are just $10.00 in support of the museums and programs of the Rangeley Lakes Historical Society and are available in advance at the Outdoor Heritage Museum, in Oquossoc, or the Rangeley History Museum in downtown Rangeley. Come step back in time and support the efforts of your Historical Society at this fun and entertaining evening!

    August 6th

    The Historical Society invites you to a Bicentennial screening of “Maine at 200”

    Lakeside Theatre, Rangeley at 7pm

    “Maine at 200” is an interesting documentary film covering the history of Maine since its founding in 1820 in celebration of our State’s Bicentennial. This is the full-length feature version shares the state’s story in a Comprehensive decade-by-decade timeline. A Q&A session with the producer will follow the screening. Admission in support of the Historical Society is just $5.00 per person. Concessions will be provided by the RFA. Advance Tickets will be available at the Outdoor Heritage Museum, in Oquossoc, or the Rangeley History Museum in downtown Rangeley or at the door.

    August 14, 2020

    19thCentury Rangeley in 3D

    Lakeside Theatre in Rangeley

     This is an encore performance of an all new presentation for 2020.

     (1st Screening was on July 17)  

    This unique show features an entirely new collection of stereoviews not shared in 2019 nearly sold-out event. This collection of 19th Century “Stereoview” images has been converted by the Historical Society to now share on the big screen by using modern 3D glasses. The fun evening will also feature a collection of rare regional short films as well.  The Stereoviews, Vintage Photos and Films will be accompanied by Live Music by the Sandy River Ramblers and narration by Executive Director, Bill Pierce.  Please join us and step back in time to view the Rangeley region as it was 130 years ago! There will be a cash bar and the popcorn will be poppin’ in support of the Rangeley Friends of the Arts. Tickets are just $10.00 and support the museums and programs of the Rangeley Lakes Historical Society and are available in advance at the Outdoor Heritage Museum, in Oquossoc, or the Rangeley History Museum in downtown Rangeley. Come step back in time and support the efforts of your Historical Society at this fun and entertaining evening!

    August 15, 2020 

    Oquossoc Day

    On the Grounds of the Outdoor Heritage Museum 


    The Village of Oquossoc Celebrates! Over 35 Vendors will fill the grounds of the Outdoor Heritage Museum for an Annual Art, Crafts & Antique Show. Many other events take place throughout the day and around the village including a waterski show, "Sink the Bismarck" Seaplane event, First Responders Challenge Cup featuring Rangeley Boat Rowing races, kayak & blind canoe races! There will also be boat parade, food and more!! A great family fun day.

    August 15, 2020

    Fly Tier Scott Biron at Outdoor Heritage Museum

    11:00 AM to 2:00 PM

    Corner of Rtes. 4 & 17, Oquossoc

    Join expert Fly Tier Scott Biron to learn his secrets and techniques for tying awesome flies that catch big Trout and Salmon! Call (207) 864-3091 for more information

    September 5, 2020

    Fly Tier Justin Crouse at Outdoor Heritage Museum

    11:00 AM to 2:00 PM

    Corner of Rtes. 4 & 17, Oquossoc

    Justin Crouse of Guide's Choice Flies is an avid angler and superb tier of flies. He is a regular featured tier at Fly Fishing Shows and exhibitions throughout New England. Justin focuses on traditional patterns effective for Northern New England waters. He is very helpful and is happy to share tips and techniques with accomplished and novice tiers. Call (207) 864-3091 for more information

    6th Annual Rangeley Regatta

    September 25, 2020

    12:00 PM to 5:00 PM

    Outdoor Heritage Museum, Corner of Rtes. 4 & 17, Oquossoc

    The Rangeley Regatta features teams of students from Stratton, Kingfield, Strong, Phillips, Mt Blue and Rangeley middle school in a fun day of learning and competition. The Rangeley Lakes Region Historical Society will host the 6th edition of the Rangeley Regatta at its Outdoor Heritage Museum and the nearby Oquossoc Cove on Rangeley Lake. Events include: Canoe Relay, Kayak Relay, Boys and Girls Crew style races in the museum's fleet of classic Rangeley boats. Other events include Art, Poetry, Public Speaking, Outdoor Team Trivia, Fly Casting, Fly Tying and boys & girls One Mile Road Race. Medals are awarded as well as points towards the Rangeley Regatta Cup. High schools from the central Maine also compete in all water events and then mentor and coach the Middle School Teams. Come cheer on these great kids. Call (207) 864-3091 for more information


  • 07 May 2020 10:48 AM | Anonymous member

    These Strange and Unusual Times: 
    Sharing Our Experiences Through Objects

    The Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum invites you
    to participate in a virtual Pop-Up Museum!

    Submissions accepted May 7 – May 12, 2020

    Email a photograph of an object, along with a 100-word description to

    Ten years from now, what object do you imagine you will associate with this strange and extraordinary time? Something that reminds you of a person, event, or activity? Perhaps something that by its feel, scent, or even taste will evoke memories of COVID-19-dominated spring 2020? 

    The Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum invites you to contribute a photograph of your chosen object to our first-ever virtual Pop-Up Museum. A Pop-Up Museum is a temporary exhibit created by people who come together to display special objects and share stories about them. Usually, a Pop-Up Museum lasts a few hours in a physical space and then it is gone! This one will be different because, well, these are unusual times!

    Once you have selected an item, send us a photograph of it, along with a short explanation of why this object has meaning to you. Submissions should be sent to by May 12, 2020.

    The museum will compile contributions and create a Pop-Up exhibition on the Arctic Museum’s website. We will send you a link to the exhibit once it is posted so you can participate in an opening event and share the exhibit with family and friends. 


    • It will be hard, but select one item only!

    • Email us a photograph of the item (jpeg format, please).

    • Include a short explanation in the body of your email, no more than 100 words.

    • Provide your name and that of your community. Also, tell us whether we can associate your name with your object, or whether you wish to remain anonymous.

    Arctic Museum’s Very Convenient Hours  •  Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week online Free participation  Open to people of all ages

  • 22 Apr 2020 11:53 AM | Anonymous member

    Join us for Digital AMIM on Saturday, May 16 from 2 to 8 pm (EST)! 

    The Abbe is bringing it's annual Abbe Museum Indian Market to a virtual stage. Digital AMIM will be a one-day online event scheduled from 2-8 pm on Saturday, May 16, 2020. Event-goers will have the chance to meet some of the 2020 Abbe Museum Indian Market artists, learning more about them, their process, and their body of work. Allowing artists to connect directly with the community to educate and also sell their wares. In addition to spotlighting artists, Digital AMIM will include performances (ranging from dancers to singers, and everything in between) and educational programming. At the end of the evening, there will also be a film screening and panel discussion.

    “We are extremely excited about Digital AMIM. The Abbe Museum's mission is ‘Inspiring new learning about the Wabanaki Nations with every visit.’ The health crisis created a situation where the public can't come to visit us, so with Digital AMIM we're bringing our mission into your homes. We invite you to join us throughout the event both to support the AMIM artists and engage in the opportunity to learn about Native arts from the artists themselves.” - Chris Newell, Executive Director & Senior Partner to Wabanaki Nations

    Learn more about Digital AMIM and meet the artists here > 

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