Readfield Historical Society's Upcoming 20-Month Farm Calendar

13 Mar 2015 9:02 AM | Anonymous member

On Memorial weekend 2015 Readfield Historical Society will make available a 20 month calendar commemorating Readfield's Farm Heritage, in honor of the 225th year of Readfield's incorporation. Evelyn Potter and Dale Potter-Clark are spearheading the project. Some of the farms featured or included will be: Kennemac, Fogg, Gorden, Elvin, Kennecook, McDougald, Wills, Russell, Kents Hill farm, Nason, Coffin, Butman, Trefethen, Lane, Brown, Packard, Smith, Luce, Hawes and more. Along with a brief history of the farms there will be many pictures, recipes, and historical trivia.
The calendars will be available for $10.00 + S&H via and at various locations in Readfield. FMI email



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