CERC's new round of facilitated disaster planning!

28 Oct 2015 11:34 AM | Anonymous member

The Cultural Emergency Resource Coalition <http://cercmaine.org/> (CERC:Maine) is reaching out to cultural institutions that would like to get help creating a disaster plan because we will be able to facilitate plans at 4-6 more cultural institutions!

As you may be aware, CERC conducted a facilitated planning project <http://cercmaine.org/fema-corps-facilitated-disaster-planning-project/utilizing FEMA Corps teams in the fall of 2014 and spring of 2015, through a grant awarded to the Maine State Museum from Jane's Trust. Well, at the end of the project we found ourselves with a small balance of grant funds remaining, which will be used to hire contract facilitators to conduct 4-6 more facilitated disaster plans between now and March 31, 2016.

Do you want in? Have you intended to get a disaster plan together, but just felt like you lacked enough information or resources? Then apply online <http://cercmaine.org/cerc-online-application/> now for this final round of facilitated disaster planning and get the help you need creating a plan tailored to your organization's resources. The process will be exactly the same as before, except that we will be using contract facilitators instead of a FEMA Corps team.

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until we have reached capacity. For more information about this project see the CERC web site <http://cercmaine.org/fema-corps-facilitated-disaster-planning-project/> or contact the CERC office at  CERC.Maine@gmail.com or (207) 287-6696.

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