Upcoming Archival and Grant Workshops from MHRAB

08 Feb 2016 8:46 AM | Deleted user

The Maine Historical Records Advisory Board is pleased to be able to support the efforts of Maine's nonprofit organizations as they preserve their original historical records. The following workshops are available in 2016 to assist these efforts:

May 16th (Augusta) and May 23rd (Bangor) - The full-day archival workshops will cover definitions, mission statement, collecting policy, appraisal and related issues, arrangement, description (and use) of collections.

March 29th (Portland) - The full-day town clerk workshop covers topics of specific interest to clerks, such as preservation/restoration of old records, destruction of records, FOIA, indexing, vault requirements, digitizing records, disaster recovery, Rules for Disposition.

April 8th (Augusta) - This workshop will focus on proposal requirements for the Historical Collections grant program (skills are applicable to any proposal). The workshop includes hands on practice with time to ask questions and get feedback on draft Historical Collections grant proposals.

For more details and contact information visit the Maine State Archives website (under What’s New), http://www.maine.gov/sos/arc/.

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Maine Archives and Museums

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