Call for Proposals to Community-based Archives

23 Apr 2019 10:02 AM | Anonymous member

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation invites community-based archives in the United States and its territories to submit proposals to fund one of the following areas of need:

  • Operational support for the organization, including general support for staff, space, and utilities.
  • Collections care, including storage, cataloging, description, and preservation.
  • Programming and outreach activities, including collecting new materials, and exhibitions, publications, or other uses of the collections.
The Foundation plans to offer a total of $1 million in support of community-based archives in two annual calls for proposals, one in 2019 and the second in 2020.  The 2019 Call for Proposals (CFP) is now open and directed towards community-based archives that represent and serve communities marginalized due to oppression based on race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, class, sexuality, religion, ability, and/or geographic location.  For the purposes of this CFP, community-based archives must demonstrate that community members actively participate in their archival processes, making key decisions about what to collect and how. 

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