Accidental Stories Pertaining to Collections and How to Use them to Reach New Audiences
In this session, Jennifer Pictou will share tips for teasing out the many stories of museum and archival collections. She will share her experience with and reflections on how studying an artifact, understanding its documentation, and assembling the pieces of the object’s story offers an opportunity to strengthen interpretation and historical accuracy, understand diverse points of view and help shape and reflect history. And, how these “accidental stories” can be used to attract new audiences.
Stay after the workshop for a guided tour of the exhibits by Dana Lippitt, museum curator.
Presented by Jennifer Pictou, Owner of Dawnland Tours, LLC and a certified trainer for the National Association of Interpretation.
Registration will be open online through Thursday, May 12. To register after this date, contact Sheri Leahan at 207-779-4445.
MAM’s 2016 Professional Development Series is funded in part by the Maine Humanities Council as part of the Pulitzer Prize Centennial Campfires Initiative, a joint venture of the Pulitzer Prizes Board and the Federation of State Humanities Councils in celebration of the 2016 Centennial of the Prizes. The initiative seeks to illuminate the impact of the humanities on American life today, to imagine their future, and to inspire new generations to consider the values represented by the body of Pulitzer Prize winning work. For their generous support for the Campfires Initiative, we thank the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Ford Foundation, Carnegie Corporation of New York, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Pulitzer Prizes Board, and Columbia University.
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Maine Archives and Museums
P.O. Box 95, Portland, Maine 04112