New deadline: Feb 10, 2024
We need your 2023 data!
Thank you to everyone who has participated in the Impact Statement Survey! If you did not have a chance to participate, we have reopened the survey with a new deadline of Feb 10, 2024.
We need your 2023 data! By answering this survey, you will provide MAM with the tools it needs to advocate for our sector, particularly on Cultural Advocacy Day at the State House on March 5th.
All questions are optional, but we have highlighted five key questions that we hope all organizations can answer.
Key questions:
In 2023, my organization employed _____ (#) people.
Volunteers contributed _____ (#) hours.
We spent $_____ on goods and services in our community and beyond.
We served _____ (#) visitors.
We served _____ (#) students.
Thank you for your input!
Survey link: