Rufus Porter Museum Seeks Interim Executive Director

15 May 2014 10:59 AM | Anonymous member
An Interim Director is being sought to oversee the management of the RPM for the summer and early fall. This ten-year old museum concentrates on folk art of western Maine, and especially the art and inventions of the renowned Rufus Porter, who grew up in the Bridgton area and preserved the scenes of the area in his historical painted wall murals throughout New England in the 1820-40 period. The Museum is currently renovating a house placed on the National Register of Historic Places with plans to move operations this coming year, plus developing plans for an enlarged campus. This full time position supervises a small staff and many volunteers. The Director will oversee outreach and education to support our mission. A candidate with past museum management and grant writing experience is preferred. Resumes with recent salary history and three references may be submitted to

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