SAA Invites Applications for Harold T. Pinkett Minority Student Award

05 Jan 2015 10:16 AM | Anonymous member
The Pinkett Award was established in 1993 and recognizes and acknowledges minority graduate students, such as those of African, Asian, Latino or Native American descent, who, through scholastic and personal achievement, manifest an interest in becoming professional archivists and active members of the Society of American Archivists.
The recipients of the award will receive full complimentary registration to the SAA Annual Meeting and related expenses for hotel and travel for attending the Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archivists on August 16-22, 2015 in Cleveland, Ohio. In addition, each recipient receives a complimentary one-year membership in SAA. The Pinkett is awarded to minority students, with preference given to full-time students possessing a minimum scholastic grade point average of 3.5 while enrolled in a graduate program focusing on archival management during the academic year proceeding the date on which the award is given. For more details or to download the application form please visit:  The deadline to apply is February 28, 2015.

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