Blog and Newsletter

The Association of Maine Archives and Museums publishes quarterly print newsletter that is sent out to members in February, May, August, and November. We also maintain the blog on this page for members to share their announcements more immediately.

Quarterly Print Newsletter

Submissions: If you are a member interested in submitting articles, dispatches, opportunities, and/or photos to the print newsletter, please review these guideline and deadlines.

Advertising: If you are interested in advertising in the print newsletter, please review these specifications and deadlines.

Read now: Click here to view the current and past issues of the print newsletter (members-only; log in first).

News Blog

Members and non-members of MAM may post news of interest to the field using the blog below. To post an event, see the event listings. To post a job or internship opportunity, see the job/internship board. MAM reserves the right to edit or reject postings as it deems appropriate. This service is free to members; non-members are charged $20.

Posts to this news blog are automatically shared to the MAM Facebook page to get even more exposure!

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  • 14 Mar 2014 11:18 AM | Anonymous member

    Late 19th-century Mawson & Swan camera expands BCMA’s extensive Winslow Homer Collection and will be featured in 2015 exhibition on Homer and photography


    The Bowdoin College Museum of Art (BCMA) has acquired a late 19th-century Mawson & Swan camera originally owned by the renowned American artist Winslow Homer (1836–1910). The quarter-size dry plate camera, manufactured around 1880, is a significant addition to the Museum’s robust collection of archival material and over 100 vintage photographs related to Homer’s life and work. It will also serve as the centerpiece for the BCMA’s upcoming special exhibition on Homer and photography, planned to open in August 2015. The camera was donated to the BCMA by Neal Paulsen, a long-time resident of Scarborough, Maine.


    “We are so pleased to receive this exciting gift, which complements our current holdings of Homer’s work and documentation perfectly,” said Frank Goodyear, Co-Director of the Bowdoin College Museum of Art. “The camera highlights Homer’s varying artistic interests, and helps to illuminate a lesser-known side of one of America’s greatest painters.”


    Sold by Mawson & Swan, a photography business in Newcastle-on-Tyne, England, the camera was designed for the serious amateur rather than the studio professional, and was notable at the time for its portability and ease of use. The camera produced images that were approximately 3 x 4 inches. Homer purchased this model in 1882, during a two-year residence in Cullercoats, a small fishing village in north east England that is less than ten miles from Newcastle-on-Tyne. The date – “Aug 15, 1882” – and the artist’s initials are inscribed into the camera’s wooden plate holder, likely by Homer himself.


    Homer spent his final decades living with his extended family on a large estate in Prout’s Neck, Maine. He constructed a studio on the estate as well, and it was here, where Homer painted some of his most iconic works that capture the beauty of the Maine coastline and the power of the sea. The Winslow Homer Collection at the BCMA includes photographs taken at the artist’s home in Prout’s Neck, Maine that are similar to those produced by the Mawson & Swan camera. The BCMA’s exhibition will bring forward many of the photographs in Bowdoin’s collectionundefinedtogether with loansundefinedand will allow scholars to continue to investigate the compelling and complex history around Homer’s work in photography.


    Paulsen acquired the Mawson & Swan camera from his grandfather Weston H. Snow in the 1950s, and exhibited the camera at Scarborough High School for more than two decades. Snow, an electrician and a great admirer of Homer’s work, acquired the camera from Homer’s nephew Charles L. Homer in exchange for electrical work. The Museum’s acquisition follows a major recent gift to the BCMA from the celebrated collection of Dorothy and Herbert (Herb) Vogel earlier this year and further strengthens the Museum’s dynamic acquisition program.

  • 13 Mar 2014 9:39 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Let’s Move Museums and Gardens Webinar: Wednesday, March 19

    Learn How Museums and Gardens Can Use the USDA’s MyPlate in Programming and Food Service

    Washington, DCundefinedThe Institute of Museum and Library Services will host a free webinar for museums and gardens that are looking for strategies to improve the nutrition and well-being of their communities. Representatives from Let’s Move! Museums & Gardens will share how they use MyPlate resources to support programs and healthy food service. 

    MyPlate is part of the U.S Department of Agriculture, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion which works to improve the health and well-being of Americans by developing and promoting dietary guidance that links scientific research to the nutrition needs of consumers. provides downloadable materials, healthy recipes, online tools, and access to expert nutritional advice.

    This webinar is being offered free of charge and no pre-registration is required. Webinar presenters will provide an introduction to MyPlate resources, and show how museums and gardens are using MyPlate to support programming for children and families. To participate in the webinar, simply go to this Blackboard Collaborative Meeting Room at the time of the webinar, enter your information, and join the conversation. You may listen using your computer’s speakers or dial 1-866-299-7945. When prompted, enter the passcode 9485763#.

    Date: Wednesday, March 19
    Time: 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. EDT  

    Webinar presenters include:

    • Christopher Reich, Senior Advisor, Office of Museum Services, Institute of Museum and Library Services
    • Donna Johnson-Bailey, Acting Director of Public Affairs, USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
    • Marjorie Collins-Della Rocco, Education Coordinator,Children's Museum of Southeastern Connecticut 
    • Melanie Martin, Early Childhood Specialist, Children’s Museum of Phoenix

    About the Institute of Museum and Library Services 
    The Institute of Museum and Library Services is the primary source of federal support for the nation’s 123,000 libraries and 17,500 museums. Our mission is to inspire libraries and museums to advance innovation, lifelong learning, and cultural and civic engagement. Our grant making, policy development, and research help libraries and museums deliver valuable services that make it possible for communities and individuals to thrive. To learn more, visit and follow us on  Facebook and Twitter.

    About Let’s Move! Museums & Gardens
    Let’s Move! is a national initiative to get kids moving and eating healthy food. It aims to support healthy children and families.

    Through Let’s Move! Museums & Gardens, museums, zoos, gardens, science and technology centers can join the call to action. With their impressive reach and great potential for impact, museums and gardens can launch community efforts to create a healthier generation using interactive exhibits, outdoor spaces, gardens and programs that encourage families to eat healthy foods and increase physical activity.

    About MyPlate
    MyPlate is part of a larger communications initiative based on 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans to help consumers make better food choices. MyPlate is designed to remind Americans to eat healthfully. The icon is the centerpiece of the initiative which is amplified through strategic partnerships, social media, interactive tools, and a strong Web presence. Learn more at


  • 11 Mar 2014 11:09 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On Sunday, March 16th,  1:30pm-4:30pm at Harrington House (45 Main Street,)

    Freeport Historical Society is offering an Oral History Interviewing Workshop.



    Community members will learn how to conduct an oral history session, including

    preparation and practice interviews. Equipment will also be reviewed.

    FHS volunteer Molly Graham, who is a professional oral historian, will be leading the

    workshop which costs $10.00/pp. For those who volunteer to collect four oral histories

    over the next twelve months the fee is waived.


    Ms. Graham is an oral historian, radio producer and archivist with archival and field

    experience in Massachusetts and Maine. She served as Oral Historian for the Wisconsin

    Veterans Museum. Molly holds an M.A. in Library Science and is a graduate of the Salt

    Institute for Documentary Studies.


    Collecting oral histories is a very important dimension to the work of Freeport

    Historical Society and was an issue which surfaced in several of our recent Lunch with

    Locals  programs.


    FHS is interested in capturing a range of stories including recollections of the

    development of the Interstate through Freeport, in preparation for its 2014 Exhibit,

    titled, “ You CAN Get There from Here-How Transportation Defined Freeport.”

     The development of roads and highways has connected and disrupted Maine’s

    communities and shaped the towns around them.  The Freeport Historical Society, in

    an effort to capture the history and impact of Maine’s transportation systems, seeks

    to record and preserve the stories of those who witnessed and experienced the

    changes in Freeport  roads and highways.  In order to create a more complete

    record of the past, we hope to compile a variety of perspectives and voices from the



    While we are particularly interested in capturing oral histories which share details

    of the impact of the Interstate and other transportation systems on Freeport, we are

    also interested in collecting stories about Freeport’s once-vibrant shoemaking

    industry. (Shoemaking will be our exhibit-focus in 2015.)

    Please tell us your story (even if it is not related to the Interstate/

    transportation systems or shoemaking,) we are still very interested!


    Contact Freeport Historical Society at 865-3170 or

    to sign up for the workshop or to schedule a convenient time at your location or ours  to be interviewed by            

    Molly Graham or volunteer Rebecca Hotelling.




    Sunday, March 16th 1:30p-4:30p Learn How to Conduct Oral History Interviews. 45 Main Street.  $10pp


    Sunday,March 23rd 2p-4p  45th Annual Meeting  at Freeport Community Library  Guest speaker, awards program, brief business meeting . Beverages


    Please support our generous and community-minded 2014 sponsors: L.L. Bean, Bath Savings Institution and Bath SavingsTrust Company, Taggart Construction, Chilton Furniture, Hilton Garden Inn, Brown Goldsmiths, Riley Insurance, Linda Bean's Maine Kitchen & Topside Tavern, and Freeport USA

  • 07 Mar 2014 3:33 PM | Anonymous member
    The Holocaust and Human Rights Center (HHRC) and the Maine Jewish
    Film Festival (MJFF) will present a free conference entitled *The Role of
    Archive in Restoring and Conserving Identity* on Tuesday, March 25th, from
    12:00 - 9:00 PM, at the Michael Klahr Center.

    This dynamic conference--open to students, professionals and the general
    public--will encourage discussion on the critical role archive plays in both
    social and cultural contexts.

    Whether family photos, official documents, newsreel or home movies, archive
    materials are invaluable to both the individual and a society's identity.
    Who gathers these materials and how are they catalogued, preserved and made
    accessible to the public? Presenters Karan Sheldon (Northeast Historic
    Film), Magnus Gertten and Lennart Strom (Auto Images), Diane Afoumado (US
    Holocaust Memorial Museum), and Sharon Rivo (National Center for Jewish
    Film at Brandeis) will answer these questions and further the discourse on
    the role of archive management.

    This conference is made possible through the support of the Bernard Osher
    Jewish Philanthropies and will be held at the Michael Klahr Center on the
    UMA campus, *advance registration is strongly recommended*. To register,
    please call 207-621-3530 or email FMI visit the
    calendar page at
  • 06 Mar 2014 9:36 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Small Museums Scholarship Application

    2014 AASLH Annual Meeting and Online Conference

    St. Paul, Minnesota

    DEADLINE: 15 June 2014


    The American Association for State and Local History will hold its Annual Meeting and Online Conference in St. Paul, Minnesota from 17-20 September 2014. This year’s theme – Greater Than the Sum of Our Parts - examines the personal, communal, and organizational journeys that lead to vibrancy, authenticity, social change and sustainability. 

    Unfortunately, many working in our nation’s small museums feel as if we can only dream of attending this meeting. In a perfect world, boards would grant every request to fund our professional development. Institutions of modest means, however, may not have the resources to help us become effective stewards of our community’s memory.

    Websites, listservs, and social media constantly offer new sources of technical and psychological support, but nothing is better than the face-to-face fellowship of sharing survival strategies. Every year, increasing numbers of Annual Meeting sessions address issues specifically affecting small museums. These sessions can be as practical and wide-ranging as training, marketing, and strategic planning. Other sessions focus on creative ways to forge and re-energize relationships with the surrounding community.

    Now in its eighth year, AASLH’s Small Museums Committee is offering scholarships to any AASLH members who are full-time, part-time, paid, or volunteer employees of small museums. Each $500 scholarship will cover the cost of the conference registration and the Small Museums luncheon. Any remaining funds may be used to offset travel and/or lodging expenses.

    To qualify, the applicant must work for a museum with a budget of $250,000 or less. They also must be either an individual AASLH member or work for an institutional member. Application forms are available

    The deadline for applications is 13 June. The committee will email award winners by 30 June. For questions, please contact Bruce Teeple, Small Museum Scholarship Subcommittee Chair at

  • 05 Mar 2014 11:05 AM | Anonymous member
    Bridgton Historical Society seeks proposals from qualified and experienced artisans, re-enactors, scholars, and others wishing to present workshops, demonstrations, or other programs at Narramissic, the historic Peabody-Fitch Farm in South Bridgton, during the summer and fall of 2014. Narramissic sits on a 25-acre property with spectacular mountain views.  The farm includes a house, barn, carriage shed and working blacksmith shop.

    Possible Topics include, but are not limited to fiber arts, blacksmithing, woodworking, restoration carpentry (preferably involving needed repairs to the house and outbuildings), historic foodways, farming and gardening, re-enactments and demonstrations, as well as traditional lectures and book-signings.

    Please include a brief description of your proposed workshop or program, your experience and qualifications (including references or other means of verification), and your requirements for compensation and materials fees.

    For further information, contact Ned Allen at ; PO Box 44, Bridgton, ME 04009; 207-647-3699 . Visit to learn more about the organization.
  • 05 Mar 2014 9:25 AM | Anonymous member
    The Castine Historical Society (CHS) is offering one internship opportunity for a graduate student enrolled in a museum studies, public history, archival science or related Master's degree or Ph.D. program.  The internship is full time (35 hours per week) for 10 weeks in the spring or summer of 2014 with a small stipend. CHS will work with the student to structure the internship to meet requirements for academic credit as needed.

    The Castine area, one of the most beautiful and historically interesting towns on the coast of Maine, saw millennia of use by Native Americans before European contact and changed hands repeatedly from the outset of the colonial period through the War of 1812.  The peninsula’s development in the nineteenth and twentieth century’s represents a microcosm of American commercial and cultural history.  As its mission states, the Castine Historical Society “seeks to engage residents and visitors of all ages in the exploration and stewardship of Castine’s diverse historical resources.”

    The intern will work as a member of a professional team on two projects central to the CHS mission.  The majority of the time will concentrate on an inventory and preservation storage effort in preparation for moving the CHS collections to a new archival facility.  With training and supervision provided by the curator, the intern will work with PastPerfect museum software and archival storage materials to complete this detail-intensive project.  The intern also will be given the opportunity to design and produce audio recordings for self-guided walking tours of Castine's historic district.  This public history project may include working with volunteers to offer guided walking tours.

    Applications are due by March 31, 2014.  To view the full internship description and application instructions, visit or contact CHS Curator Paige Lilly via email at .
  • 05 Mar 2014 9:19 AM | Anonymous member
    Pejepscot Historical Society in Brunswick seeks a part-time site manager for our Joshua L. Chamberlain Museum for Summer 2014. The site manager will be responsible for all functions of the museum, including: opening and closing facility; welcoming and assisting guests; coordinating and managing volunteer tour guides; keeping museum facility and grounds clean and welcoming; operating cash register in museum shop; and answering questions about museum, historical society, and local area. 

    The ideal site manager will be friendly, organized, approachable, and willing to address unexpected needs as they arise. An interest in Maine and Civil War history is helpful, as is an understanding of those who care deeply about Joshua Chamberlain, his home, and his place in Maine and Civil War history.

    Hours will range from about 12 to 20 per week. Must be able to work weekends (museum is open 10-4 Tues-Sat and 1-4 Sun). The museum season is mid May through mid October.

    Interested applicants are invited to send resumes, cover letters, and names and contact info for three references to Jennifer Blanchard, executive director of Pejepscot Historical Society, at
  • 02 Mar 2014 6:44 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    O.O. Howard Papers Digitization Project Supervisor

    Bowdoin College

    Bowdoin College, a highly selective liberal arts college of 1800 students located on the coast of Maine, is accepting applications for an O.O. Howard Papers Digitization Project Supervisor to manage a grant funded digitization project with the Department of Special Collections & Archives. 

    Job Summary:

    The O. O. Howard Papers Digitization Project Supervisor is responsible for daily management of all aspects of a three-year project, which will digitize 60 linear feet of manuscript materials documenting the life and career of General Oliver Otis Howard. Duties include: training, scheduling, and supervising student workers as scanning technicians; previewing files and identifying potential problems that would complicate scanning activities; conducting quality control measures to insure that scanning standards are met; performing file resampling and combining protocols to produce viewable PDF files; creating hypertext links from encoded text to image files. Under the general direction of the Director of Special Collections & Archives, and in collaboration with the College Archivist and IT experts, the Project Supervisor also compiles regular progress reports, tracks the project budget, and adheres to file management procedures that address the long term preservation of the master digital files and conform to campus-wide IT policies and procedures. This is a grant funded three year fixed length position with an anticipated start date of April 2014. 


    Required: Bachelor's degree or equivalent from an accredited institution; exceptional skill in oral and written English language communications; demonstrated attention to detail, especially in reviewing the repetitive work of others; demonstrated ability to work in a team environment; demonstrated ability to organize work and schedule tasks, supervise workers, accomplish tasks, and meet deadlines with minimal supervision. 
    Preferred: training in handling manuscript materials; formal training in identifying problems and solutions involving the preservation of paper-based materials; experience in digitizing textual materials, creating image files, and managing digital files; demonstrated knowledge in using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Acrobat Professional; familiarity with accepted national standards for digital capture; experience with data entry in data management systems.  

    Experience Requirements:

    Required: one year's experience in managing the work of others; experience with the process of digital capture. 
    Preferred: experience in managing student workers; experience in using manuscripts within a repository setting; experience in digitizing manuscripts; experience in managing, sampling, and editing image files. 

    Additional Job Information

    How To Apply: Please submit your application online here:
    Application Deadline: 2/25/2014
    Category: Program/Project Management
    Job Type: Full-Time
    Start Date:
    Region Mid Coast
    Specific Location: United States
  • 02 Mar 2014 6:39 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Museum Librarian/ Archivist

    Owls Head Transportation Museum

    The Owls Head Transportation Museum is seeking candidates for the position of Museum Librarian/Archivist.  The Museum Librarian/Archivist will work under the direction of the Curator to inventory, accession, catalog and input collections to the Museum’s collection database as part of the Lang Education Center.  The successful candidate will have experience working in the Museum or Library fields and experience processing library and archival collections.  She or he will have the ability to lift storage boxes and climb ladders and must communicate effectively, orally and in writing.  MLS or Bachelor’s degree in humanities, history or related field with Museum/Archive experience required.

     Title: Museum Librarian/Archivist 


    • Accessions, processes, inventories and catalogs books, periodicals, archives and manuscripts
    • Applies professional standards to the processing, arrangement and preservation of records
    • Responds to research requests from museum staff and public
    • Digitizes archival collections for incorporation in collection database
    • Orders library, archival and office supplies for the department
    • Implements basic preservation methods
    • Supervises Museum volunteers and interns

     Skills, Knowledge and Abilities:

    • Excellent organizational skills with attention to detail and accuracy
    • Knowledge of library and archival principles and practices
    • Knowledge of art history and/or museum operations
    • Must be able to lift storage boxes and climb ladders
    • Demonstrated knowledge of preservation methods and theory
    • Skilled in using Adobe PhotoShop and other image editing software, scanners and digital photography

     Education and Experience:

    • Museum experience preferred
    • Masters in Library and Information Science or archival experience preferred
    • Bachelor's degree required in the humanities, history, or a field related to history and/or technology.

    Additional Job Information

    To apply, send cover letter and resume to Ethan Yankura, Curator, Owls Head Transportation Museum PO Box 277 Owls Head, Maine, 04854.
    30,000 to 35,000
    Mid Coast
    Owls Head

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Maine Archives and Museums

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