Advertise in the MAM Newsletter

The Maine Archives and Museums Newsletter is a quarterly online publication produced by and for Maine’s community of museums, archives, historical societies, and other collecting organizations. The newsletter sent to more than 300 member organizations and reaches an even broader audience online. The newsletter is released in February, May, August, and November of each year. Typical features include articles on recent projects, exhibitions and major collaborations at or among member institutions; listings of grant-making and professional development opportunities; program offerings; and more.

Advertising decisions are at the discretion of the newsletter editor. The editor may choose to exclude any advertisement that is deemed inappropriate or irrelevant to MAM’s community.

Whether or not to include a commercial entity’s activities as part of an editorial feature is at the discretion of the newsletter editor. Commercial businesses are encouraged to purchase ad space to communicate promotions to our membership.

You can reserve your ad space and pay online here, or mail your check to:

Maine Archives and Museums
PO Box 95
Portland, ME 04112

Send print-ready image files and any questions to Erin Rhodes, MAM Newsletter Editor at

Not a graphic designer? For an additional fee, our graphic designer would be happy to design your ad for you. Just ask.

Ad Specifications

Single issue non-member rate: $100

Full year non-member rate: $350


For February newsletter - December 30
For May newsletter - March 30
For August newsletter - June 30
For November newsletter - September 30

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Maine Archives and Museums

P.O. Box 95, Portland, Maine 04112 

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