Safely Handling, Packing, and Moving Collections
This 5.5-hour workshop will focus on best practices handling historic collections for the purpose of storing and moving them.
We are always moving collections and this is often when they are most at-risk for damage. Whether you are moving objects to a new exhibition, bringing in new objects, getting objects out for research, or just storing objects, their handling is important.
Ron Harvey of Tuckerbrook Conservation will cover the issues of safely moving different types of collections including preparing them to move and safe handling methods. He will also touch on safe exhibition methods for short term exhibitions. Participants will make lined moving trays to take home.
To gain specific information from the conservator, participants are encouraged to bring photos of objects they are working to move or pack.
Morning refreshments will be available. Bring your own bagged lunch to enjoy at half time!
The workshop will be held in the conference room at the visitors center, the building with the blue roof just north of the museum.
This event is supported by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Your Host
This workshop is hosted by Ron Harvey, Conservator/Principal at Tuckerbrook Conservation. Tuckerbrook Conservation offers conservation consulting, treatment, teaching, management, storage, long-term preservation, handling, lecturing, preservation workshops, conservation assessments and assessment of collections, including archaeological, ethnographic, fine art objects, outdoor sculpture, and zinc sculpture.
The Venue
The L.C. Bates Museum at Good Will-Hinckley, located on U.S. Route 201 in Hinckley Village in Fairfield, is a natural history museum that includes amazing natural history exhibits, fun local history, Native American collections, rocks and minerals, fossils, outside nature trails, picnic tables, and an arboretum behind the museum.
The workshop will be held at the visitors center, the building with the blue roof just north of the museum.
Online registration will be open through June 24. To register after this date, contact Deborah Staber at or 238-4250.
The size of the workshop space limits registration to 15 participants - register early to reserve your space! If the workshop fills up before you register, you can register to be on the wait list.
Registration is free to MAM members (please log in first). If you're not a member, join today!