April 1 @ 7 pm: Presentation on Fake News, the First Amendment, and the State of American Media

29 Mar 2021 1:19 PM | Anonymous member

Join us for a free, virtual presentation on Thursday, April 1st at 7 pm.

Former Maine newspaper editor Chet Lunner brings a unique, 360-degree perspective of current affairs and “fake news” as a veteran journalist, 9/11 government spokesman, and crisis communications expert.

We’ll look at the history and impact of misinformation, how Maine’s founders predicted the dangers of “alternative facts,” and some solutions that anyone can employ.

This event is hosted on Zoom, and participants are encouraged to ask questions at the end of Lunner's presentation. Pre-registration is required - register today for free at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0pduuurDMtHdKxqDKfTHzsZDsJUmbylw3H

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