The Kennebec Historical Society’s July Public Presentation: “Women at Sea: Maine’s Wives and Daughters Who Went to Sea”

19 Jul 2017 6:30 PM | Anonymous member
This visual slideshow explores the “herstories” of Penobscot Bay women and daughters who went to sea in the nineteenth and early twentieth century. Despite the old sailors' superstition that women at sea were unlucky, the women accompanied their fathers and husbands on cargo voyages around the world. Some were literally born into the profession and others joined their love ones with initial trepidation. Using letters, manuscripts and newspaper articles from the Penobscot Marine Museum archives and objects from the collection, we will learn about their experiences at sea.

Cipperly Good, Collections Manager and Curator at Penobscot Marine Museum in Searsport, spent her early museum career just upriver at the L.C. Bates Museum and returned to Maine full-time in 2010 to take her current job at Penobscot Marine Museum. She holds a Masters of Arts in Museum Studies from The George Washington University and is a graduate of Colby College. She regularly presents to senior colleges, public libraries, historical societies, and other historical groups.

The Kennebec Historical Society July Presentation is free to the public (donations gladly accepted) and will take place on Wednesday, July 19, 2017, at 6:30 p.m. at the Hope Baptist Church, located at 726 Western Avenue in Manchester. ​

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