Tate House Celebrates a Musical Christmas

09 Dec 2017 12:00 PM | Anonymous member
It’s Christmas at the historic Tate House Museum and we’d like to invite you to join us for the sights, sounds, and tastes as we celebrate the season, Colonial style. Captain George Tate, his wife Mary, and their friends celebrated with much food and drink, music, and games. It was a joyous, bright spot in what could turn out to be a long, cold winter, and the Tate family and their friends made the most of it! Come and see how an affluent mast agent’s family may have celebrated the holidays in the 18th century.Docents donned in period attire will introduce you to the prevailing traditions and customs of the time as you make your way through the Tate’s 1755 home. Why did the Tates celebrate Christmas while many of their neighbors did not? How did decorations differ from those of today? What types of food and drink would be served? What kind of games and gifts might the children have enjoyed? What is Boxing Day all about? Please join us for this special house tour of the only pre-Revolutionary home in Greater Portland open to the public on Saturday, December 9 and Sunday, December 10 beginning at noon. The last tour will leave at 3:30 PM. Once you’ve completed your tour, you are invited to take some refreshment in the parlor of the Means House across the street. Admission is $15 for Adults and Seniors and $10 for children under 12. Tickets can also be purchased through

Eventbrite at  https://www.eventbrite.com/o/tate-house-museum-8364593136

For more information contact:

Betty Janus

Tate House Museum

1267 Westbrook Street

Portland, ME 04012




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