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  • 12 Dec 2015 10:00 AM | Anonymous member

    Ending this very busy year is our annual Home for the Holidays Reception and House Tour. This year the chosen home is located at 7 Hyler Street. This textbook style Queen Anne Victorian house was built in 1890 by Thomaston sea captain Edwin S. Smalley, Master Mariner of ship Manuel Liaguno and owned by family members for the next 87 years. Interesting features include a bold and unconventional color scheme – a trait of the period – along with a Victorian period porch, round tower and decorative gables.

    A wine reception with live music, both live and silent auctions will kick off the event at 5 to 7 P.M. on Friday, December 11th. On Saturday, December 12th from 10 A.M. until 3 P.M. the house will be available for tours and the silent auction will still be available. The house will be decorated for the holidays in the style appropriate for the time period in which the house was built.

             To make reservations for the Friday gala, please call 354-7029. Reservations are not needed for the Saturday event.  

     For more information please call Eve Anderson at 354-8835 or contact her via e-mail at

  • 05 Dec 2015 10:00 AM | Anonymous member

    The holiday season will be celebrated with Victorian Christmas at Penobscot Marine Museum this year on Friday, December 4th and Saturday, December 5th.  The ship captain’s house will be open to the public with each room decorated for a Victorian Christmas by community groups and businesses, including the Congregational Church Women’s Fellowship Group, Searsport Historical Society, Searsport Beautification Committee, Blue Jacket Shipcrafters, Bangor Savings Bank and Searsport Antique Mall.  There will be refreshments, music performed by boatbuilder Ralph Stanley and his fiddle group, and volunteers from Searsport’s Carver Library will be reading from 19th Christmas favorites. 

    On Friday night the Museum Store will host a “Meet the Maine Authors” party in celebration of the annual Town of Searsport Tree Lighting party on Crescent.  The museum’s annual gingerbread competition “Maritime Christmas Gingerbread By the Sea” will be on display and refreshments will be served.

    Victorian Christmas at Penobscot Marine Museum, 2 Church Street, Searsport, is Friday, December 4th, 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm, and Saturday, December 5, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.  Admission is free.

    About Penobscot Marine Museum

    Penobscot Marine Museum is twelve buildings on three acres in the historic seacoast village of Searsport, Maine.  Check the website for activities and events.  Exhibits include hands-on activities for children and adults, as well as a ship captain's house, marine paintings, scrimshaw, 19th century Chinese and Japanese pottery, paintings and textiles, historic Maine boats, a fisheries exhibit, and an heirloom vegetable garden.  The museum is open seven days a week, Memorial Day weekend through the third weekend in October.  The Museum Store and Museum Framer have winter hours.  For more information go to or call the Visitors Center 207-548-0334 or Administrative Offices at 207-548-2529.

  • 05 Dec 2015 10:00 AM | Anonymous member

    All are invited to make holiday cards using printmaking, watercolor, and stenciling.

    Attendance to this workshop is limited and preregistration is required. To register, call 207.859.5613.

    For more information please contact Mirken Coordinator of Education and Public Programs Matt Timme. ( | 207.859.5613) or visit

  • 04 Dec 2015 4:00 PM | Anonymous member

    The holiday season will be celebrated with Victorian Christmas at Penobscot Marine Museum this year on Friday, December 4th and Saturday, December 5th.  The ship captain’s house will be open to the public with each room decorated for a Victorian Christmas by community groups and businesses, including the Congregational Church Women’s Fellowship Group, Searsport Historical Society, Searsport Beautification Committee, Blue Jacket Shipcrafters, Bangor Savings Bank and Searsport Antique Mall.  There will be refreshments, music performed by boatbuilder Ralph Stanley and his fiddle group, and volunteers from Searsport’s Carver Library will be reading from 19 Christmas favorites. 

    On Friday night the Museum Store will host a “Meet the Maine Authors” party in celebration of the annual Town of Searsport Tree Lighting party on Crescent.  The museum’s annual gingerbread competition “Maritime Christmas Gingerbread By the Sea” will be on display and refreshments will be served.

    Victorian Christmas at Penobscot Marine Museum, 2 Church Street, Searsport, is Friday, December 4th, 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm, and Saturday, December 5, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.  Admission is free.

    About Penobscot Marine Museum

    Penobscot Marine Museum is twelve buildings on three acres in the historic seacoast village of Searsport, Maine.  Check the website for activities and events.  Exhibits include hands-on activities for children and adults, as well as a ship captain's house, marine paintings, scrimshaw, 19th century Chinese and Japanese pottery, paintings and textiles, historic Maine boats, a fisheries exhibit, and an heirloom vegetable garden.  The museum is open seven days a week, Memorial Day weekend through the third weekend in October.  The Museum Store and Museum Framer have winter hours.  For more information go to or call the Visitors Center 207-548-0334 or Administrative Offices at 207-548-2529.

  • 03 Dec 2015 6:30 PM | Anonymous member

    Join faculty and students in Colby’s Creative Writing Program as they read works written in response to works on view in the Museum galleries.

    Cosponsored by the Creative Writing Program, the Center for the Arts and Humanities, and the Museum.

    For more information please contact Mirken Coordinator of Education and Public Programs Matt Timme. ( | 207.859.5613) or visit

  • 03 Dec 2015 12:00 PM | Anonymous member

    Noontime Art Talk: Icicles on the Nose, Frost in the Studio: Whistler and the Weather

    Lunder Consortium for Whistler Studies Fellow Justin McCann will discuss how Whistler battled the elements to capture evocative atmospheric conditions in his paintings and pastels of London and Venice.

    For more information please contact Mirken Coordinator of Education and Public Programs Matt Timme. ( | 207.859.5613) or visit

  • 18 Nov 2015 7:00 PM | Anonymous member

    In keeping with the Thanksgiving theme, on November 18, at 7;00 p.m.  the Rumford Historical Society will feature Chuck Halsey, Wildlife Biologist from Maine's Dept. of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife.  He will discuss the history of the demise and recovery of the wild turkey.  Program to be held in the Auditorium of the Rumford Town Hall.

    Rumford Historical Society

    231 Eaton Hill Rd., Rumford, ME


  • 07 Nov 2015 10:00 AM | Anonymous member
    A dedication of the monument to Lt. Joseph Bragdon will be held Nov 7, 2015 at 10am at the Herrick Cemetery on Village Drive, near Main St (US 15) in Corinth, Maine.  Lt. Bragdon was an early settler in the Mass. township that became Corinth, Maine.  Hosts: American Legion Post 115, Corinth Historical Society, and the Corinth Cemetery Trustees.  The public is invited.

  • 24 Oct 2015 12:00 PM | Anonymous member

    The Tate House Museum is hosting cemetery tours of the 18th Century Stroudwater Burying Ground on Saturday, October 17th and 24th from noon to 4PM, on the hour, with the last tour starting at 3PM.  The picturesque cemetery, located along the Stroudwater River, is the final resting place for many prominent members of the proud Stroudwater community.Museum volunteer “specters” will portray some of the cemetery’s more celebrated residents, telling their colorful historical tales – some quite tragic, and some with a dash of soap opera to them.  George and Mary Tate are ready to tell their stories, along with the first woman in Maine to have the flags lowered to half staff upon her death, and many more.  Please join the Tate House Museum for an afternoon of spirited fun, entertainment, and education.

    Ticket prices are $12.00 for adults and $6.00 for children 12 and under.  Tickets and fall bake sale treats will be available in the gift shop, 1267 Westbrook Street, Portland, ME.  Proceeds help support the preservation of the Tate House.

    The Tate House, built in 1755, was the home of Captain George Tate, senior mast agent to the British Royal Navy.  The Tate House, a National Historic Landmark, stands as a physical reminder of the economic importance of the colonial mast trade and its role in the American Revolution.

    For More Information Contact the Tate House at 774-6177 or email

  • 24 Oct 2015 8:30 AM | Anonymous member

    Oldest Film Shot in Maine to be Shown at Penobscot Marine Museum’s Annual  History Conference

     A clip from the oldest film shot in Maine will be shown during Wish You Were Here: Communicating Maine’s Unique Sense of Place, Penobscot Marine Museum’s 2015 History Conference.  The Conference this year brings together Northeast Historic Film, Maine Folklife Center, and historians and writers Jay Davis, David Andrews, William Bunting and Kevin Johnson to discuss Maine’s unusual sense of place and how it has been communicated, preserved or changed over the last one hundred years. 

     The oldest known film taken in Maine was shot in 1901, and a clip of this historic film will be shown by Northeast Historic Film’s new Executive Director Brook Minner in her talk on preserving Maine’s moving image history.  Maine Folklife Center’s Katrina Wynn will present audio clips of stories told by Mainers on topics ranging from logging to Wabanaki culture, and discuss how preserving Maine’s oral histories adds to its sense of place.

    The vibrant photographic portrait of Maine created by Peggy McKenna (1947 – 2014) in her work for Down EastWaldo Independent, and Republican Journal will be discussed by former newspaper editor Jay Davis.  For more information on the History Conference or to purchase tickets, go to or call 548-2529.  Wish You Were Here: Communicating Maine’s Unique Sense of Place will be held at University of Maine’s Hutchinson Center in Belfast, Maine onSaturday, October 24, 8:00 am to 2:30 pm.

     About Penobscot Marine Museum

    Penobscot Marine Museum is in the historic seacoast village of Searsport, Maine.  Check the website for activities and events.  Exhibits include hands-on activities for children and adults, as well as a ship captain's house, marine paintings, scrimshaw, 19thcentury Chinese and Japanese pottery, paintings and textiles, historic Maine boats, a fisheries exhibit, and an heirloom vegetable garden.  The museum is open seven days a week, Memorial Day weekend through the third weekend in October.  For more information go to or call the Visitors Center 207-548-0334 or Administrative Offices at 207-548-2529.

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Maine Archives and Museums

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